5 Gratifying Reasons Why Cats Are The Best Pet

Farwa Butt
3 min readAug 22, 2021


Are you thinking of getting a Cat at home? If yes, then maybe it can help you. Having a cat can mean different things to different people. Cats are a popular choice for pets. According to a survey in the U.S by American Veterinary Medical Association, about 25% people have sweet cats as a pet.

They’re adorable, curious, friendly, and devoted. You can hug and cuddle them. They can be a source of comfort for the owner. They elicit happy feelings and have a relaxing impact on the mind. Here is a list of the top 5 reasons why cats are the best pet.

More Affordable Pet

Having a pet means a lot of expenses. Cats are generally easy to afford, Low adoption fees, Low maintenance fees, low feeding expenses, and many more. Cats toys are soft and inexpensive. Cats enjoy playing with balls, hair bands, and sticks that are readily available at home.

While you’re at work, the cats are napping, playing with toys, and wandering about the home alone. They do not require a specific type of caretaker. In 2018, a survey revealed that on average, a cat owner in the UK spends 36 to 100 pounds per month.

Pest Free House

Cats are natural predators. We know from the cartoon series TOM & JERRY that the cat enjoys stalking and pounces on prey. Cats are opportunistic hunters. They prey on birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and invertebrates. They will keep your house free from mice, bugs fly, etc.

Prevent Allergies

Cats lessen the number of allergies in children. Cat hair is a common allergen. Early cat contact for children can help them establish a robust immune system against cat allergies and other forms of allergies.

The National Institutes of Health published research in 2002. In that research, they discovered children under the age of a year who were exposed to a cat were less likely to develop allergies.

Perfect Indoor Pet

Cats make excellent indoor pets. They don’t require much exercise, walks, or outside time to live a healthy existence. Indoors, cats seem to be safer. A cat’s risk of illness increases as it is exposed to more outside environments. They’re pretty content seated near a window or curled up on the couch in a cool place. Simply open a window to get some fresh air.

Cats Clean Themselves

Cats are inherently clean animals, and one of their instincts is to bury their waste. Cats are self-cleaning machines. They love to clean themselves. They don’t require routine bathing. You can bathe them once a week. You should brush the cat’s hair and clip its nails as needed, but Cats are excellent at keeping themselves clean by licking their fur and paws.


There are many physical and mental health benefits of owning a pet. Before adopting a new pet, we all want to make sure it’s the right one for us and our family. So, we summarize some reasons why to choose a cat as a pet. Cats have numerous positive characteristics that make them excellent companions for any family.



Farwa Butt

A young energetic blog writer. i want to share my words with with whole world